Data visualizers, publications and design firms looking for new ways to relay data information to the masses via fun jewelry pieces.
Track and convert data gathered through walks with my dog using new visualization methods.
2020 has been the years of animal adoptions. When my family got our first puppy this year, our lives and perceptions were widened. I tracked the cars and animals that stopped my puppy Minnie in her tracks and the times she picked things up with her mouth. I tracked the time she spent reacting to different things in her environment over the course of an hour. From there the jewelry making process took over.
Dogs have rod-dominated retinas that allow them to see well in the dark. Dogs have better motion visibility than humans have. Dogs’ retinas can distinguish two colors. These colors are blue-violet and yellow. Dogs use other cues (such as smell, texture, brightness, and position) rather than relying solely on color. Dogs also have a wider field of vision than humans.
The solutions for the data visualization include representing motion, limited color vision, dog’s reliance on textures through their exploration with their nose and mouth, as well as the wider field of vision that canines possess.
All of these themes are represented in the tactile earrings seen here.
Illustrator | Photoshop